TripStax red and green brand slants

More than just data

TripStax Analytics gives the insights you need to drive true value for your business and customers, in less time.

Normalise your data

We collect and consolidate all of your invoice and booking data, and normalize it, regardless of source.

Customise reporting

Self-serve customisable dashboards and reports track everything from spend to carbon emission to data quality.

Manage costs

Make the most of a full suite of tools to help you manage cost for-both you and your clients.

AI driven insights

Product whitelabelling

AI driven peer benchmarking

Cost of trip reporting

Self-service reporting

Predictive analytics

AI Driven Insights

Product whitelabelling

AI Driven Peer Benchmarking

Cost of Trip Reporting

Self-Service Reporting

Predictive Analytics

Image of cityscape of Shanghai

Data at your fingertips

Consolidated from multiple sources. Completely transparent. TripStax operates a data warehouse that unifies profile, booking, invoice and third party data and normalises it to create consistency across reporting and analytics.

Data quality overviews

Data transparency

AI tools that identify cost savings

Dashboards that grant total visibility

Fully customizable. Extensive drill down capability. Everything in one view.
Interrogate dashboards and views for different areas of your business or for your clients. Updated in real-time and easy to download and export when you need.

Comprehensive, interactive dashboards

customisable and configurable

View KPIs by individual traveler

Easy self-service reporting

Create custom pre-trip reports and alerts. Surface opportunities to upsell and up-service customers. Analyze ‘Total Cost of Trip’ by expense type, purpose of trip, region and individual traveler. Pull untaken flight data for customers, identify coupons that haven’t been used and return them for refunds. Plus, much more.

Natural language querying

Query data by using terms and phrases as it would be spoken.

Budget tracking

Track actual spend against client-specific budget values, and project whether the budget levels would be exceeded.

Rate cap analysis

Apply rate caps to the client hotel program, either by location or for specific hotels, and report on compliance to these caps.

Sustainability reporting

Carbon usage calculated for all air and rail bookings, and can be offset via sustainability programs.

Peer benchmarking

Compare the spend of the client air program against an anonymous group of relevant peers by city pair to identify the reasons for any differences.

Offline V Online


Hotel Attachment

Haul Type

Long Haul
Short Haul

The Power of Analytics

Our analytics platform goes beyond just reports and dashboard. Deliver true business return with clear data that surfaces opportunities both commercial and as added value for your clients.

Fully integrated throughout the TripStax ecosystem

TripStax is powered by a central data storage intelligence engine that stores and passes information across the full stack. For our clients, that means secure data, that all talks to each other.

Integrate your analytics data across modules and provide insight at every step of the process.