Keep your travelers safe
TripStax Track flags health and safety risks and allows businesses to track and communicate with travelers anywhere, anytime.
Support travelers
Anticipate disruptions and provide 24/7 support and instant communication should travelers need it.
Prevent risks
Use advanced pre-trip risk analytics to identify incidents and offer travelers the option to re-route if necessary.
Maintain compliance
Create a full audit trail of communication ready for post-incident review.
Health & crime ratings
Automated notifications & alerts
Bespoke customization
Preformed templates
Built-in compliance
Health & crime ratings
Automated notifications & alerts
Bespoke customization
Preformed templates
Built-in compliance
Mitigate risk before it happens.
Use insight and data displayed within the dashboard to plan and support your people before, during and after they travel.
You can easily get a snapshot of where all your travellers are using our interactive map allowing you to react quickly in real-time to situations on the ground.
Safety and risk information is overlayed in the same view. You can also access a more granular breakdown including categories such as civil unrest, crime, health and geo-political situations.
Quick, effective communication
Deliver travel information and automated alerts to travelers and travel managers.
Integrated email and SMS allow for Instant, direct communication in case of emergency.
Graphical map display of traveler location
Communicate quickly via multiple channels
Bi-directional communication available
Fulfil duty of care compliance
Equip travel and security managers with detailed pre-trip travel risk reports. Take preventative measures to ensure safe travel. Should an incident occur, deliver a complete audit trail of communication that meets all corporate travel compliance requirements.
Customizable reports
Query data by using terms and phrases as it would be spoken.
Pre-trip risk assessment
Apply rate caps to the client hotel program, either by location or for specific hotels, and report on compliance to these caps.
Daily risk-rating updates
Compare the spend of the client air program against an anonymous group of relevant peers by city pair to identify the reasons for any differences.
Fully integrated throughout the TripStax ecosystem
TripStax is powered by a central data storage intelligence engine that stores and passes information across the full stack. For our clients, that means secure data, that all talks to each other.
Integrate your analytics data across modules and provide insight at every step of the process.