TripStax Lands at Phocuswright Conference in Phoenix

Our mission to take TripStax’s tech proposition into new orbits continued in November when we headed to the USA and touched down at the Phocuswright Conference in Phoenix, Arizona

The annual Phocuswright Conference is renowned for being the platform that inspires innovative and smart thinking for global travel leaders and innovators. The event attracts decision makers and C-level executives from top travel and hospitality businesses from over 40 countries around the globe. The theme of the 2022 conference was based around the theme ‘Travelers, Titans and Trailblazers assemble to chart the future of our steadfast but always-evolving industry’.

TripStax was proud to be chosen as a presenter at this year’s Innovation Launch, which provides a stage for global innovators to demonstrate new ideas that are intended to change the travel industry.

TripStax Takes Off in Brussels at GBTA Europe Conference

TripStax has been on a mission to take its disruptive tech offering to new galaxies this autumn. Our iconic rocket themed branding landed in Brussels, together with members of our senior management team, for the GBTA Europe Conference on 8th to 10th November.

The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), the voice of the global business travel industry, staged its eighth annual regional conference with German business travel buyer association VDR, in Brussels for the first time. Hosted at the Square – Brussels Convention Centre, the event brought together more than 800 attendees from 22 countries for insights, collaboration, networking, and education under GBTA’s guiding theme for the business travel industry of (Re)Connect, (Re)Imagine, (Re)Create.
As sponsors of Europe’s largest convention for business travel and meetings management professionals, TripStax hosted the Opening Night Reception in its own inimitable stellar style. The Expo area was transformed with a multitude of TripStax’s famous pop-up rockets, pink and turquoise balloons and a VIP pink carpet, where guests enjoyed networking over drinks and canapes.

TripStax CEO, Jack Ramsey took to the Main Stage on day one of the conference to give an official opening welcome. He also gave a compelling interview in the GBTA Broadcast Studio answering questions not only about TripStax, but also giving his views on business travel tech trends in 2023.

Meanwhile the TripStax team of Bruce Hanna, COO, Mathias Andersson, Chief Commercial Officer and Nikki Banks, CMO were kept busy meeting numerous conference attendees who stopped by the TripStax stand in the Expo and were keen to discover more about our unique tech offering.

TripStax exclusive interview with astronaut Tim Peake

Question: “That capsule behind you looks pretty small and cramped, what was it like?”
Answer: “That is the exact one I went up in and came down in, and it is very crammed indeed. You’re packed-in like sardines into a tin can, but it’s a really robust spacecraft. It’s very basic. When it comes down to Earth, it just falls like a brick and it gets up to about 1700 Celsius outside the spacecraft, but it really works. It’s good technology and got us there and back safely.”

Question: You spent six months aboard the International Space Station, what was that like? What sort of experience was it for you?
Answer: Going into space is an incredible experience. I mean there are two things which really strike you, and that’s; weightlessness, and the effect it has on the body and how much fun it is to work and live in weightlessness; and the view, the view of Earth from space and looking the other way out into the universe. They are two experiences that are very hard to replicate back here on Earth, and your training doesn’t really prepare you for that. It’s an incredible privilege to be up there in space.

Question: What was the most memorable experience? If you could go back and relive part of that experience, what would it be?
Answer: I would relive the five hours that I had outside the space station on the spacewalk. They were absolutely incredible, a very surreal experience.

Question: Now a space walk, I mean that’s quite a special thing. How did that feel just floating out into space? I know you are grabbing onto things, some people say they feel like they are falling, but what did you experience? What was that like for you?
Answer: You’re very very aware of the level of exposure when you go outside the space station. The space station becomes your sanctuary. It’s your home and when you go out of the hatch, you get vertigo by looking down at Earth, sure it’s 400km, it’s a long way down, but you get vertigo in all directions. It’s the feeling of the enormity and blackness of space surrounding you, and that takes a few moments to just really get your mind around, to get used to it.

Question: I mean there are huge advances that are taking place in space technology. What are the sort of missions and concepts coming through that are capturing your attention?
Answer: Yes, the pace is moving very rapidly now. We’ve got missions to the Moon coming up in the next few years, and we’ve got commercial companies working alongside the major space agencies to make that happen. So for example, SpaceX is building the landing system that will take astronauts from lunar orbit down to the surface of the Moon and back again. At the same time as we are doing the lunar expansion, you’ve got commercial expansion of low Earth orbit, so a couple of space stations under development; the Axiom Space Station and the Orbital Reef Space Station. These are going to be after the International Space Station, so an awful lot is happening, and then of course the focus is also on Mars, and I think realistically, in the 2030’s is when we can expect those human missions to Mars.

Question: And would you like to go back into space? Make it to the Moon or even to Mars?
Answer: I haven’t met an astronaut yet who doesn’t want to go back into space. It’s an incredible place to live and work, so yes, I mean for me, I think the ideal mission right now would be a lunar mission. Mars is going to be a three year mission, that’s a long time away when you’ve got two teenage children, so for me a lunar mission would be absolutely perfect. That would be a dream come true.

Question: Now, we’re also seeing technological advances in space spinning off into travel on Earth with some promises of some amazing things coming up. What do you think we might see there?
Answer: Well in the long-term I think what we will see is some advances in transportation, maybe a sub-orbital transportation system. At the moment, you’ve got a couple of companies which are looking at flying space tourists up into space and dropping back down again. There is no reason why you have to drop back down in the same location, fly up into space and drop down on another continent and cut down that travel time. So potentially, that’s where some of the technologies that are being explored right now could lead us to in the future  very rapid transportation systems around the globe.

Question: And when you travel on Earth, how do you like to travel?
Answer: I love to travel on a motorbike. I just love the feeling of being in the fresh air. I love the excitement of being on a bike. It’s about the journey, it’s not about the destination, so biking’s all about that.

Question: While you’re waiting for your next space mission, you’re keeping yourself busy and you’ve become quite a prolific author, including some children’s stories. Does that take a lot of your time? What are your ambitions there?
Answer: It does take time, but I really enjoy it. I’ve got a series of science fiction books going on. It’s like an adventure tale about aliens coming to Earth. I’m having a lot of fun writing that with Steve Cole, who is a brilliant children’s author as well. I’m also writing a non-fiction book about the universe, about how we got here, from the Big Bang to right where we are today. That’s been a lot of work, but a lot of fun too.

Question: I guess that begs the question, do you believe in aliens? Do you believe we are not alone?
Answer: Oh completely yes, the trouble is, the scale of the universe in time and distance, will we ever make contact, who knows…

TripStax celebrates lift off at stellar launch event

TripStax took its “Tech to make your business boom” rocket-themed branding into a whole new orbit to create a stellar official launch party at the iconic Space Exhibit at the London Science Museum.

From rockets to satellites, probes to landers, the gallery showcases some out-of-this world objects. So, it was definitely an inspirational venue to roll out TripStax’s trademark pink carpet and welcome some 150 guests from all walks of the travel industry for such a special event.

TRIPSTAX launch party at the Science Museuem, London.Even more inspirational was guest of honour British astronaut Tim Peake, whose original Soyuz space capsule is on display at the Space Exhibit. The legendary ‘rocket man’ himself took to the stage for a fascinating Q&A session with TripStax CEO Jack Ramsey.

Also out-of-this-world were the cocktails and canapes, created by Bubble, the ‘haute couture’ event specialists who are renowned for their visionary menus and stylish service and were chosen to reflect TripStax’s own passion for creativity and innovation. Guests nibbled on delicacies such as beef cured trout, smoked cod & pickled watermelon crackers and Maple soy glazed lamb, and sipped on Matcha Majitos and Glorious Green Gimlets. There was even a futuristic ice-cream lab serving dessert.

Party guests were also wowed by tunes from top DJ and music producer Muga Caldado. His unique style of music includes an enigmatic touch characteristic of the artist himself and absolutely perfect for a party hosted by a unique and enigmatic tech company like TripStax!

ITM conference blasts off and accelerates into the future with TripStax

The Institute of Travel Management’s annual conference blasted off in Birmingham thanks to an injection of ‘rocket fuel’ from TripStax, who hosted the night cap drinks reception for delegates arriving on the eve of the event.

ITM is the UK & Ireland’s leading professional body for business travel buyers and suppliers and its annual conference is hugely respected for its high calibre programme of business sessions and networking events. Theme of this year’s conference was ‘Accelerate’ to reflect the business travel industry’s recovery post Covid. It was the first in person conference ITM has been able to organise for three years due to the pandemic

The TripStax team was on a mission to make sure guests experienced a memorable ‘lift off’ to the two-day conference by transforming the drinks reception venue with bold branding, rocket displays, bunting, balloons, and pink carpet. The buzz in the room was palpable as ITM members celebrated being back together with champagne, cocktails and canapes.

Two days later as the ITM conference neared its close, TripStax was front and centre again as sponsors of the final session entitled ‘Accelerating into The Future’ led by world renowned futurist Tom Cheesewright. In this mind-blowing session, Tom explained the structural shifts to work and life that are shaping the future, how travel and the value we place upon it has changed forever; and developments around AI and the metaverse are hurtling towards us all.

Meeting in the Metaverse

As part of TripStax’s launch event at the Science museum, London, we had the amazing opportunity to quiz astronaut Tim Peak about his experience aboard the international space station. Watch the full interview below.